26 research outputs found

    Leveraging Foundation models for Unsupervised Audio-Visual Segmentation

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    Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) aims to precisely outline audible objects in a visual scene at the pixel level. Existing AVS methods require fine-grained annotations of audio-mask pairs in supervised learning fashion. This limits their scalability since it is time consuming and tedious to acquire such cross-modality pixel level labels. To overcome this obstacle, in this work we introduce unsupervised audio-visual segmentation with no need for task-specific data annotations and model training. For tackling this newly proposed problem, we formulate a novel Cross-Modality Semantic Filtering (CMSF) approach to accurately associate the underlying audio-mask pairs by leveraging the off-the-shelf multi-modal foundation models (e.g., detection [1], open-world segmentation [2] and multi-modal alignment [3]). Guiding the proposal generation by either audio or visual cues, we design two training-free variants: AT-GDINO-SAM and OWOD-BIND. Extensive experiments on the AVS-Bench dataset show that our unsupervised approach can perform well in comparison to prior art supervised counterparts across complex scenarios with multiple auditory objects. Particularly, in situations where existing supervised AVS methods struggle with overlapping foreground objects, our models still excel in accurately segmenting overlapped auditory objects. Our code will be publicly released

    Multimodal Classification of Urban Micro-Events

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    In this paper we seek methods to effectively detect urban micro-events. Urban micro-events are events which occur in cities, have limited geographical coverage and typically affect only a small group of citizens. Because of their scale these are difficult to identify in most data sources. However, by using citizen sensing to gather data, detecting them becomes feasible. The data gathered by citizen sensing is often multimodal and, as a consequence, the information required to detect urban micro-events is distributed over multiple modalities. This makes it essential to have a classifier capable of combining them. In this paper we explore several methods of creating such a classifier, including early, late, hybrid fusion and representation learning using multimodal graphs. We evaluate performance on a real world dataset obtained from a live citizen reporting system. We show that a multimodal approach yields higher performance than unimodal alternatives. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our hybrid combination of early and late fusion with multimodal embeddings performs best in classification of urban micro-events

    DiffSED: Sound Event Detection with Denoising Diffusion

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    Sound Event Detection (SED) aims to predict the temporal boundaries of all the events of interest and their class labels, given an unconstrained audio sample. Taking either the splitand-classify (i.e., frame-level) strategy or the more principled event-level modeling approach, all existing methods consider the SED problem from the discriminative learning perspective. In this work, we reformulate the SED problem by taking a generative learning perspective. Specifically, we aim to generate sound temporal boundaries from noisy proposals in a denoising diffusion process, conditioned on a target audio sample. During training, our model learns to reverse the noising process by converting noisy latent queries to the groundtruth versions in the elegant Transformer decoder framework. Doing so enables the model generate accurate event boundaries from even noisy queries during inference. Extensive experiments on the Urban-SED and EPIC-Sounds datasets demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing alternatives, with 40+% faster convergence in training

    Pushing the right buttons: adversarial evaluation of quality estimation

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    © (2021) The Authors. Published by Association for Computational Linguistics. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://aclanthology.org/2021.wmt-1.67Current Machine Translation (MT) systems achieve very good results on a growing variety of language pairs and datasets. However, they are known to produce fluent translation outputs that can contain important meaning errors, thus undermining their reliability in practice. Quality Estimation (QE) is the task of automatically assessing the performance of MT systems at test time. Thus, in order to be useful, QE systems should be able to detect such errors. However, this ability is yet to be tested in the current evaluation practices, where QE systems are assessed only in terms of their correlation with human judgements. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing a general methodology for adversarial testing of QE for MT. First, we show that despite a high correlation with human judgements achieved by the recent SOTA, certain types of meaning errors are still problematic for QE to detect. Second, we show that on average, the ability of a given model to discriminate between meaningpreserving and meaning-altering perturbations is predictive of its overall performance, thus potentially allowing for comparing QE systems without relying on manual quality annotation

    CreoleVal: Multilingual Multitask Benchmarks for Creoles

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    Creoles represent an under-explored and marginalized group of languages, with few available resources for NLP research. While the genealogical ties between Creoles and other highly-resourced languages imply a significant potential for transfer learning, this potential is hampered due to this lack of annotated data. In this work we present CreoleVal, a collection of benchmark datasets spanning 8 different NLP tasks, covering up to 28 Creole languages; it is an aggregate of brand new development datasets for machine comprehension, relation classification, and machine translation for Creoles, in addition to a practical gateway to a handful of preexisting benchmarks. For each benchmark, we conduct baseline experiments in a zero-shot setting in order to further ascertain the capabilities and limitations of transfer learning for Creoles. Ultimately, the goal of CreoleVal is to empower research on Creoles in NLP and computational linguistics. We hope this resource will contribute to technological inclusion for Creole language users around the globe